Hypnobirthing childbirth courses

midshot of a couple holding hands with baby shoes hanging from their fingers

 Each pregnancy and birth is unique.

this class will give you all the information you need to leave fear behind and know what all your options are, so you can make the right choices for you and your baby.

Stepping into feeling confident, calm and maybe even excited about birth.

  • The complete hypnobirthing childbirth course

    This is your full birth preparation class, it’s fun, informative and evidence based . You’ll learn all about physiological birth, and how you and your birth partner can let go of fear, build confidence and be able to support your body and baby for the birth of your baby .

    Covered over 4 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours each, in person or from my sofa to yours on zoom!


    Mindset, and why it matters? What is hypnobirthing? The Science behind hypnobirthing. Fear/tension/pain cycle. Breathing techniques. Hormones. Relaxation and hypnobirthing techniques.


    Birth plans, do I need one? Environment and why its so important. What to pack in your birth bag. Positing for baby and labor. Pain relief options. More hypnobirthing, breathing and relation techniques.


    Your rights. The importance of language. Decision making and advocacy. Induction. Due dates. Your choices. Early signs of labor. Caesarean birth.


    Stages of labor, when to head to your birth place. more advocacy. birth partner’s role - you can do more than you think! Golden hour. Postpartum recovery, considerations and expectations.


    • Welcome pack and handbook

    • The Birth Uprising Digital Pack worth $70

    • Hypnobirthing MP3s, for relaxation, releasing fear, birth partner

    • the option to join your courses What’s App group to support each other and build relationships

    • optional 45 minute 1-2-1 to support you through something specific of your choosing

  • The quick class

    Don’t let your busy life and time constraints prevent you from getting ready and confident approaching your birth. This class covers the essentials of birth physiology and hypnobirthing tools to birth …. This is a private 1-2-1 class and can be online or in person.

  • The caesarean class

    Just like it sounds. In this private 1-2-1 in person or online Stacey will go over what to expect from a caesarean, the who, what and how. During and the stages of postnatal recovery. So you can plan the best support for yourself.

Let’s work together